Monthly Archives: February 2013

When You Say You Need Training, You Really Mean Performance

I used to think that when managers asked me to design a training program, they wanted a good training program. Based on my experience, what managers are REALLY asking for is performance. Since there are so many more pieces to performance than just training, I have to be very clear with them on the limited scope of training, and educate them on what all has to be considered for performance. That is a MUCH bigger scope. And, dear manager, you also have some responsibility in improving performance. Continue reading

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Hate Managing People? Manage Work Instead.

I was reading the ROWE (Results Only Work Environment) blog (which I highly recommend) and they referenced some old ways of thinking as being “stuck in a Mad Men time warp.” I found the reference hilarious having actually worked in a company that was stuck in a Mad Men time warp.

Given the memes of our times, it is hard to not get stuck in a TTWWADI (That’s The Way We’ve Always Done It) rut about how work happens. Sometimes we don’t even know we are in one. Our beliefs about how work happens are even in songs like Dolly Parton’s“9 to 5” and Donna Summer’s “She Works Hard for the Money.” The idea that work only happens between 9 and 5 is based on a more industrial age mindset that your body must be present for a certain number of hours for work to happen. This mindset is based on having none of the following technology:

web meetings
smart phones
social media

For work to happen, you had to be there. Continue reading

Posted in Best Workplace | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Is Your Office a Monkey-Free Zone?

Is your workplace a monkey-free zone?

Performance Support Partners – Monkey Free Zone
Is Your Office a Monkey-Free Zone?

“What?” you say. Let me explain. If I didn’t laugh, I would cry over some of the stories I have heard about experiences in the corporate world. It amazes me that so many managers go down the wrong path in trying to motivate their employees to behave differently.

My friend relayed a story about how his office decided that there was too much negativity in the work place and they needed to do something about it. Negativity can be contagious, and eliminating workplace negativity would be a positive thing.

Their strategy was to create a rule that if an employee said something negative, they would have to keep a monkey (a children’s stuffed animal) at your desk at all times. The only way you could get rid of the monkey was to wait to hear someone else saying something negative and then give the monkey to them. Continue reading

Posted in Best Workplace, Change, Coaching, Communication, Mindset, Patterns in Language, perspective | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment